Monday, April 12, 2010

America gone rogue

Call her what you want, a buffoon, a ditzy idiot, a patriot, an ice hockey mom, or whatever, one thing Sarah Palin has become very good at is politicking. She is a politician through and through, and like most politicians; she is a fund raising machine.

Palin, like most politicians today, is predictable. So, it comes as no surprise that her Tea Party Convention speech, riddled with ridicule for the Obama Administration and the Democrats, also sucker punched the Republicans. She probably didn’t make a lot of points with her own party when she encouraged Tea Party candidates to compete with GOP candidates in the primaries. But, hey, she is keeping her options open. Like any good politician she needs to find out who has the most butter to put on her bread before committing herself.

What Palin is doing right now is aimed at two things: publicity and money, and she will take both any way she can get it. Whether she is speaking on camera as a pundit for Fox News or speaking behind a podium in front of a thousand Tea Party Convention goers, her aim is the same, air time and money.

As expected, she called the Obama Administration “misguided” and pointed the finger of blame at the Democrats for “big spending.” But what she didn’t say, and what no politician says, is that politics and policy today is all about money. If you can raise money for me I will listen to you.

Maybe she is doing the Democrats a favor by splitting the conservative vote, but she is not doing the nation a favor, and it doesn’t matter anyway because both the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt, it’s just that the Republicans are a little more hypocritical about their corruption – their doing God’s work, or they are fighting to limit big government and hold the line on spending. Politicians are not interested in limiting government; they seek to expand government, both parties do, so they can maintain their control. If they thought for one minute that limiting government would help them maintain their position of power, they would do so without hesitation.

Speaking of money and fiscal responsibility, Palin likes to brag about the excess money the State of Alaska has after her administration. She touts the fact that she sold the state jet in Alaska and fired the governor’s chef. What she neglects to tells us is she also increased the state’s budget by 30 percent, but it didn’t matter because of the excessive amounts of money coming into state coffers from the oil industry. The price of oil has been up the last few years, and that is good news for Alaska’s budget because 90 percent of the state’s budget in funded by royalties and taxes from oil producers. Palin does not have a history of making government smaller and she does not have a history of saving money.

Palin has her eye on the prize, and the prize is power and money. As for her presidential aspirations, she keeps saying she is uncommitted, but every indication points to what her ambitions are. Unfortunately for her, most people do not see her as a viable candidate. Even the Republican leader of the Alaskan Senate Lyda Green said, “she (Palin) is not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?”

Sarah Palin is running a fund raising machine, and like the debutant she once was, she is running it with a smile and pretty face that has no idea about policy, foreign or domestic. The only policy she is interested in is the policy of promotion.

The party she affiliates herself with, at least for now, the GOP, has become a party of darkness and anti-enlightenment. The foundation of the Republican Party is based upon theocratic fundamentalism that opposes science, health care reform, financial responsibility, ecological responsibility and diversity. Like her party, Palin suffers from tunnel vision. They call themselves conservatives but they are liberal liars. Palin, and others like her will kill the Tea Party movement. Like the dark plague they are, they wither away any opportunity a third party has to make a dent in our monogamous fund raising two- party system. And yes, I used the word “monogamous” and the words “two- party” together because they are one in the same. The Democrats and the Republicans are monogamous in their inability to make real policy or change what’s wrong with American politics – they are what’s wrong with American politics. The foundation of America has gone rogue.

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